“Since 2005 we have trained 29 apprentices with the support of Northern Skills – recruiting on average two new apprentices each year. Many of these apprentices first came to us on work experience in years 9 and 10, so we have known them since they were 14. Our apprentices are completely integrated into our business; although they have their own designated training area, they work alongside our permanent skilled staff in a range of disciplines.
“In November 2019 we opened our new Bolckow Training Facility to support with training. This is a customised workshop inside our factory, with seven training workstations including manual and CNC lathes and milling machines, bench areas and surface grinding, and a workshop classroom with IT facilities.
“Our mechanical engineering training is very well supported by Northern Skills and their specialist STEM Centre. Apprentices undertake a 4 year advanced manufacturing apprenticeship, gaining levels 2 and 3 vocational qualifications as well as an Engineering Diploma.
“We have committed this year to ensuring at least one apprentice has a place at our regular Quality and H&S committee meetings.
“We currently have six mechanical apprentices working as part of our team: Jake, Daniel, Harry, Sam, Nieve and Aaron.
“In October’s annual awards ceremony, Jake Greenhalgh was awarded Apprentice of the Year, for the second year running. This award is made to the apprentice who has made the most progress in learning and shown exceptional commitment to their training.”
Find out how TTE can support your business with bespoke training and apprenticeships.