Improving industry and developing lives in Ghana
The West African industrial powerhouse
Ghana, like other African nations, is emerging as a key producer of oil and gas, however, infrastructure for the training and development of operators and technicians has been very limited for this emerging sector. TTE were tasked with reviewing facilities in country and to make recommendations for upgrade and/or new development of a technical training centre to address the skills shortage.
TTE is a social enterprise without shareholders. It was originally established to provide opportunities for school and college leavers in the North East of England. These opportunities enable our learners to learn both technical and life skills enabling them
to become respectable members of society and ultimately join the global technician and operator workforce pool. Thus our clients have the re-assurance of knowing that while engaging with TTE for technician/operator training projects the surpluses
we generate through our commercial activity are reinvested into a common goal – feeding the global technician and operator skills base.
Facility Design
Working in collaboration with key stakeholders, TTE were able to design and develop a cost effective training solution based in a new building in the grounds of Takoradi Polytechnic.
TTE were able to support the procurement process working with our colleagues in Ghana for the identification and selection of the correct equipment and systems for installation. Realistic process plant in the form a 3 phase separator and water treatment designed to TTE’s own specification plant was procured and commissioned by TTE.
Curriculum Development
TTE headquarters in the UK provided the design and development support for the training curriculum based on proven practical experience in terms of technical and safety related factors and international certifications.
Key to the success of the project was the establishment of a professional development programme for the Ghanaian staff identified for the future operation and ongoing expansion of the facility in years to come. Our solution, therefore, provided for a fast track Train the Trainer programme giving our colleagues from Ghana exposure to the different operational functions within TTE’s large scale technical training facility in the UK, delivery of teaching and assessor qualifications and a mentoring scheme.
Find out more about TTE International and our bespoke training provision for businesses here.